Wall Diving in Fantasy Island Resort, Roatan
Sept 11 - 18, 2005
Pics of Fantasy Island Resort
47 - Dive Boat ready for a trip
48 - Dive Boats, on left is Air/NITROX fills, equipment rental, divers storage,
photo shop, class rooms.
117 - Tour - Diveboat area
118 - Tour - Diveboat area
119 - Tour - Diveboat area
120 - Tour - Diveboat area
121 - Tour - Diveboat area
124 - Tour - view from boat dock area
130 - Tour - Diveboat area, Photo Shop
132 - Tour - Our Divemaster and Boat Captain, really GREAT people!
38 - Bridge to the Island, there's a guard with gun at other side.
39 - Pond in front of rooms and restaurant.
Kayaks are avialable, but the paddles are really demolished!
39 - Pond in front of rooms and restaurant.
Kayaks are avialable, but the paddles are really demolished!
40 - Pond in front of rooms and restaurant.
41 - Pond in front of rooms and restaurant.
43 - Monkey - There are Monkey's in them thar trees!
44 - Monkey - And the Monkey's take food from the visitors
45 - Monkey - And the Monkey's take food from the visitors
46 - Monkey - And they will climb down your arm
59 - Bedroom - two beds, closet, refrig, TV, bath and shower, balcony
pond and Pond
66 - Tour - Main Entrance
67 - Tour - Gift Shop
82 - Tour - On the way to the dive boat, laundry on right
84 - Tour - View the pond from the apts on the hilltop on the island
85 - Tour - Apts on the hill ltop on the island
86 - Tour - View the pond from the apts on the hilltop on the island
87 - Tour - Road tour around the island - yes there is a hill in the middle of
the island.
89 - Tour - And these little creatures are all around the island
90 - Tour - Around the island
91 - Tour - Bridge to the Island
92 - Tour - Feeding the fish at the Gazabo
This is where you start your beach dive at and go the the Airplane, Freighter
and Walls.
93 - Tour - Looking at another resort from the Gazabo
94 - Boat view of the apartments
96 - Tour - look at the pond, restaurant and apartments behind trees
97 - Tour - same as 96, looking more to the left
102 - Tour - look from the apartment front porch
103 - Tour - look from the apartment front porch
104 - Tour - look from the apartment front porch
105 - Tour - Feeding the fish at the Gazabo
106 - Tour - Feeding the fish at the Gazabo
107 - Tour - Kayaks on the pond
109 - Sunrise - from the gazabo looking at the other resort, yes it is a Sun
110 - Sunrise - from the gazabo looking at the other resort, yes it is a Sun
111 - Sunrise - from the gazabo looking at the other resort, yes it is a Sun
112 - Sunrise - from the gazabo looking at the other resort, yes it is a Sun
113 - Sunrise - from the gazabo looking at the other resort, yes it is a Sun
114 - Sunrise - from the gazabo looking at the other resort, yes it is a Sun
115 - Sunrise - from the gazabo looking at the other resort, yes it is a Sun
116 - Tour - Jetskies are available, but expensive
133 - Tour - Pond at night
134 - Tour - Pond at night
135 - Tour - Pond at night
136 - Tour - Pond at night, dive boats out for the night dive
Last Updated: 20-Sept-2005
The Irishman Software's, West Melbourne, Florida