Cedar Key Beacon, serving Levy County's Nature Coast since 1984 www.cedarkeybeacon.com - or - Mike Raftis mike@cedarkeybeacon.com
Oct 19 - 20, Cedar Key SeaFood Festival
Our next major event in Cedar Key is the Seafood Festival which will take place this year on 10/19 and 10/20 - it's always the third week of October and celebrates the terrific fall harvest from the sea, includes a lively parade Saturday, some 200 arts and crafts displays and of course the freshest seafood around served up by local church, school and civic organizations and their chefs in the City Park bothdays ( Unicom is 122.9 , taxi drivers are Judy and Tony.) All restaurants and lounges offer special entertainment all weekend.
April 5 / 6, Cedar Key Arts Festival
The other one is the April 5 and 6, 2003 for the Cdear Key Arts Festival , although because that's also Easter next year the actual date has yet to be announced. It's the Spring Sidewalk Arts Festival, and will likely be sweetened this year to also include a salute to what has become the largest producer of farm-raised clams in America, Cedar Key's Aquaculture industry. They have a website at www.cedarkeybeacon.com Cedar Key Beacon, serving Levy County's Nature Coast since 1984 They have a website at www.cyberroute66.com/ckaa/Default.htm