Dive Trip Report to:
West Palm Beach / Rampage
To Dive in Florida for Lobster - Last day of the season
Dive #1:
31-March-2001 My Dive #353
A. Dive Boat / Location:
Rampage / Princess Ann
B. Conditions:
Poor - 20 to 30 ft
Pre-Divorce Finaliazation Days - no record available!
Water Temp:
Pre-Divorce Finaliazation Days - no record available!
Pre-Divorce Finaliazation Days - no record available!
Air Temp:
Pre-Divorce Finaliazation Days - no record available!
C. Dive Information:
Depth & Time:
Me: Genesis Nitrox Dive Computer - 100 ft for 34 min.
Air consumption:
Me: 100 cu ft of 34% Nitorx, PO2 1.41.
Well I did remember going on this trip, I went down to the reef's by the stern
end of the ship). The vis was bad, so it was hard to find the reef. I worked
my way towards the east looking for bugs. Saw a few, but couldn't get any. I
also saw another bug hunter (diver) also looking.
Dive #2:
31-March-2001 My Dive #354
A. Dive Boat / Location:
Rampage / Breakers
B. Conditions:
Pre-Divorce Finaliazation Days - no record available!
Pre-Divorce Finaliazation Days - no record available!
Water Temp:
Pre-Divorce Finaliazation Days - no record available!
Pre-Divorce Finaliazation Days - no record available!
Air Temp:
Pre-Divorce Finaliazation Days - no record available!
C. Dive Information:
Depth & Time:
Me: Genesis Nitrox Dive Computer - 62 ft for 48 min
Air consumption:
Me: 100 cu ft of 36% Nitrox
Pre-Divorce Finaliazation Days - no record available!
From what I remember of this dive, I did get separated from the main group and
did come up quite a ways from the boat. In the future, I've got to have a dive
partner and a dive flag, even when bug hunting!!
Last Updated: 10-July-2002