Ft. Pierce: Pepper Park, Pre-Season Lobster Checkout

Dive Trip Report to: Vero Beach for Lobster Mini-Season 29-July-98
Dive #1: Dive # 139
A. Dive Location: Vero Beach, the end of RT 60
B. Conditions:
Visibility: 6" - 1', poor vis due to Wale Snot (Big ΕΎ" long white particles)
Seas: 6"
Water Temp: ? F / Covering: Used a 3 mm shortie with a lycra suite under it!
Skies: High cloud cover, no wind
Air Temp:
C. Dive Information:
Depth & Time: Me: Genesis Nitrox Dive Computer - 18' for 34 min
Me: Analog - NR
Air consumption: Me:
Current: Slight to mild surge
Description: Some friends from Ocala drove to Satellite Beach, arriving at 1:30 am Tuesday to go beach diving for bugs during mini-season. We were up at 5 am, left at 5:30 am and arrived at Vero at 6:30 am. Several club members already were there since midnight. They saw 5 bugs and took 2. We entered the water and swam out, the vis was poor. The two Ocala divers and myself - we had two dive flags, tried to keep together. With 1' vis, if you looked away for a second, we were separated. I went out about 100 yards and worked N / S. If there were bugs there, I couldn't see them. The Ocala divers saw one small bug. Several divers then went to Ft. Pierce, there the vis was zero. So much for the 1998 Florida Lobster Mini-Season!

Last Updated: 10-July-2002

The Irishman Software's, West Melbourne, Florida
Irishman@SpryNet.Com - http://www.IrishmanSoftware.com/