Hatts Post Hurricanes 14-Oct-2004 and All Fixed Up 23-Jan-2005

***** ***** ***** ****

Hatts Dive Shop in Melbourne 14-Oct-2004

***** ***** ***** ***** Post Hurricane ***** ***** ***** *****
And Hatts Dive Shop was flooded and had the roof cave in.
And Hatts Dive Shop was flooded and had the roof cave in

***** ***** ***** ***** All Fixed Up ***** ***** ***** *****

Mr and Mrs Mikie Hatts at their new counter. The new blue color is really awesome!

Mike Hatt by the wet suits and dive bags

Mike Hatt filling up the Irishman's 80 with NITROX!

Mike Hatt by the fins and goggles

Last Updated: 23-Jan-2005

The Irishman Software's, West Melbourne, Florida

Irishman AT SpryNet DOT Com