Change of Florida Lobster Laws [ forgot to put in their e-mail address' ]
\\ Don't Let It Happen
Don't let'em take your Lobster. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) has been doing it to us for years. YOU CAN STOP IT NOW!
First they shortened the Florida Lobster Season. Then they moved the two day Mini Sport Season from the weekend to the middle of the week.
Now FWC is listening to the commercial lobster fisherman who want to be allowed to DROP AND HAUL THEIR TRAPS IN EARLY JULY BEFORE THE SPECIAL SPORT SEASON. Normally, the commercial trappers can't drop their traps until after Sport Mini Season. There is no limit to the numbers a commercial boat can take. Sport divers are limited to 12 lobster during the mini season and 6 in regular season.
If the FWC allows this to take effect, your lobster season will be severely effected. The commercial lobstermen are CRYING CROCADILE tears because of the hurricanes last year.
Hello---It's Florida! We have hurricanes from time to time. Get over it. Please Contact the FWC and the Governor who appointed them Below are content suggestions. Just cut and paste one of the following:
Dear sirs,
I am a Florida resident sport diver. I am appalled that you would even consider diminishing the prospects of my season in favor of some lobster trappers. The sport season was created so the public would have a chance at catching a few lobster before the professional trappers. ALLOWING LOBSTER TRAPPERS TO DROP AND HARVEST EARLY IS A BAD IDEA.
Dear Sirs,
I do not live in Florida but I visit every year to dive. Please do not diminish one of the reasons I visit so a few commercial lobster fisherman can get a head start. Tens of thousands of people just like me visit Florida primarily to dive. ALLOWING LOBSTER TRAPPERS TO DROP AND HARVEST EARLY IS A BAD IDEA.
The Irishman
Diving and Flying in Florida