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Every other Sunday Afternoon: Call 321-773-9820 for time and location. Off
Road, mild to aggressive.
A drinking club with a cycling problem.
Count on at least 15 - 20 miles of off road (Through
The Woods and Whatever is out there) riding followed by a Beer Party. Usually
takes about 2 hours, bring plenty of water and maybe a spare tube. Helmet's a
Space Coast Biko Psycos , - Orlando Biko Psycos
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Easy Riders
Sunday Morning Road Bike, 35 - 45 miles, 16 - 20+ mph, lenny.lieberman@ps.ge.com
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Brevard Bicycle Club : www.geocities.com/bikebbc , Susan Carl [scarl2@earthlink.net] Off Road Mountain Biking and Road Bikes - Agressive Group! Club Meetings: 2nd Tuesday of Each Month
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Bike Stuff:
http://www.performancebike.com/ : Bike Stuff
http://www.nashbar.com/ : Bike Stuff
http://bobsbicycles.com/site/intro.cfm Bob's Bike Shop, Indian Harbor Beach
http://www.roadbikerider.com/index.htm Road Biker.com
www.mtbr.com Trail descriptions and equipment reviews.
www.rogersunderland.com Florida trail descriptions
www.roadbikereview.com Road frames and component reviews, Sign up for their free weekly newsletter and e-book
www.bikehash.com Local hash ride info
www.goneriding.com Norba (mountain bike) racing in Florida
www.floridaracing.net Road racing
www.bicycling.com Equipment reviews, biking articles
The last Sunday in Sept. is the first Seacoast Century Ride in Brevard, benefiting Big Brothers Big Sisters of Brevard. For more information: http://www.bbbsbrevard.org/bigs_cycling/seacoast.htm. http://www.bbbsbrevard.org/bigs_cycling/seacoast.htm
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Last Updated: 08-Aug-2003