Learning Chemistry - By The Irishman Software
The current Learning Chemistry Program Version will train and test you on:
Chemical Name to Structure
Structure to Name
Balancing Chemical Equations
Complete and Balance Chemical Equations
Add Starting Weights to the Above
Download the current copy from here
Save it to your Desktop
I've Ziped the program to ease it's download and execution
If you know of a better way, please let me know!
Width | Height | Comment |
1600 | 1200 | Works Ok |
1600 | 900 | Works Ok |
1280 | 1024 | Work Ok |
1280 | 960 | Works Ok |
1152 | 864 | Works Ok |
1152 | 864 | Width is Filled |
1024 | 768 | Width is Overfilled |
800 | 600 | Not Satisfactory |
Free Program to Help and Test you on
Name to Structure and Structure to Name in General Chemistry
Written by a former Professor of Chemistry
Selection of:
After that period, it will no longer work
Please report any crashes, errors messages or incorrect data
to Chemistry@IrishmanSoftware.com
17-May-2015: Completed adding Starting Weight to the Chemical Reations. Re-rote the graphics display functions. Tested most functions, but there's still some things to clean up.
06-June-2013: Changed demo time period to 3 months
26-Oct-2012: No Program Changes, updated expiration date
21-Mar-2012: No Program Changes, updated expiration date
30-Sept-2011: No Program Changes, updated expiration date
10-Aug-2011: Added a comment screen when entering Reactions
Improving Chemical Reactions - First Release of Chemical Reactions
All functions of Balancing Equations seem to work
If you have any problems, please e-mail them to me
Improving Chemical Reactions
Selection of the input [ coefficient or formulae ] and inputting of
data is
kind of working!
Occasional crashes trying to balance an equation
Still need to add comparing students input to correct answers!
Continue to work on Chemical Reaction
Data input for the Chemical Name is still an abortion and needs
Changed expiration date to 60 days from 30 days
Cleaned up bug in selecting Chem 1045 data
Started to add Balancing Equations
Updated expire date
Minor changes to the AI Engine that process's the students response
Minor changes to the AI Engine that process's the students response
No Changes, just updated the compiled program date
Updated Non-Metals to use specific elements
This should fix some of the previous crashes when selecting
Re-Working Student Respons Analysis
Ya may get some crashes or bad responses, if you do, please e-mail
them to me
Improved Structure to Name
Improved the responses to incorrect Structure to Name
Fixed Inputs on Student Input Screen
The Process Data button is bigger, the Student Input Field will
ignore the
"Enter" button
Fixed process of Name to Structure processing
IImproved responding to incorrect answers showing where the
students errors are!
Fixed some labeling bugs.
Improved interpretation of Students Response, add more B&W to Help
as to why
your answer is wrong!
Fixed some labeling bugs.
Added student help with the "WHY" button to answer how to answer
the question.
Changed the method of generating the 4th screen [ structure, name,
input ] and color.
Started adding student help with the "WHY" button to answer how to
answer the
question. More is still needed in this interface.
30-June-2010: Modified "Generate" button
28-June-2010: Fixes startup error on Win-7 and some XP systems.
08-June-2010: Added Formulae to Name and an option to randomally select either [ Both Option ]
18-May-2010: Added selection of Cations / Anions / Acids and debugges some!
26-Apr-2010: Added additional books and Cation/Anion/Acid user selection
28-June-2010 Corrected a startup problem with Win-7. This should correct all startup problems with all versions of Windows!!
30-March-2008: Ah! A Startup Problem and the initial program would not work due to a missing dll problem. I've changed the compile options and now it does work on another computer. Sorry for the Problem - Blame Microsoft and Visual Studio 2008!!
31-Mar-2008: Still working on some other minor bugs. This versiou should start and run on your computer, but the "Process Data" button does not seem to work!
E-Mail: Chemistry@IrishmanSoftware.com