Dive Florida - Reefs, Fish, Blue/Green Water

Dive Trip Report to: West Palm Beach, 20-Oct-2001
Purpose: To Dive the Reefs & Wrecks of Florida - The Mizpah

Dive Reports:

Dive #1: . My Dive #373
A. Dive Boat / Location: Koller's Reef / The Mizpah Wreck
B. Conditions:
Visibility: 30 ft (not the greatest, but divable)
Seas: 3 - 5 ft (a little rough, some people rode-the-rail)
Water Temp: 79 - 80 deg
Skies: Mostly low cloud cover, with a few times of blue sky - no rain!
Air Temp: 80
C. Dive Information:
Depth & Time: Me: Genesis Nitrox Dive Computer - 86 ft for 23 min
Air consumption: Me: (80 cu ft of air) 3300 lbs - 800 lbs
Current: Mild to the north
Description: Well, this dive was setup for Lisa to dive her first wreck - the Mizpah. As the Mizpah is close to the inlet, tides can effect the dive. We planned this dive a month ahead of time so the tides would be going in. This clears out the poor vis from the outgoing tides. Well, this special group meet at the dock at 8:00 am in West Palm (up at 5, on the road by 6 am). On the way out, Lisa decided to feed the fish. We told here this was a Wreck Dive, not a Feed The Tropical's. It would cost her an extra $25 for feeding the tropicals! It was a bit rough for the weak of stomach. As time went on, Keri and then even Oki joined the fish feeding. Mark and I buddied up for the dive. We went down and landed right on the wreck. After 12 minutes, as planned, we started the drift to the PT landing boat along with Kelly our divemaster. As we drifed past the remaining cabin area, I spotted a big (5 ft long) turtle inside the wreck. I motioned to the other's to watch. After a few minutes of turtle watching, we started looking for our divemaster - she was no where around. Vis was not the greatest. Mark, low on air, ended this duo's dive. After our 3 minutes at 15 feet, we boarded Koller's Reef in 4 to 5 ft seas. It's unnearving to watch the stern of the boat approach and as the waves hit it, the stern and prop come out of the water! We found out later that Oki and Lisa did try the dive. Lisa couldn't make it due to seasickness. Oki on the second drop, missed the Mizpah and ended up on the PT boat! So, the goal of the dive trip wasn't met. Neither Oki or Lisa saw the wreck of the Mizpah.

Dive #2: . My Dive #374
A. Dive Boat / Location: Koller's Reef / Middle Reef (just south of the Breakers)
B. Conditions:
Visibility: 30 ft at most
Seas: Same as above - 3 to 5 ft seas, a little rough.
Water Temp: 79 - 80
Skies: Same as above
Air Temp: 80
C. Dive Information:
Depth & Time: Me: Genesis Nitrox Dive Computer - 58 ft for 38 min
Air consumption: Me: (100 cu ft, 35% NITROX) 3400 lbs to 1100 lbs
Current: Medium
Description: Typical Breakers type reef. Sporatic colors of sponges and other groath. Not many fish. Not many bugs seen. We drifed some, but our divemaster kept kicking very strongly to the east. After we past the reefline, he kept kicking hard. I signaled him to switch to drifting to the north. There were several areas of reef, sponges, colors and fish.

Dive #3: . My Dive #375
A. Dive Boat / Location: Koller's Reef / Breaker's Reef
B. Conditions:
Visibility: 30 ft at most
Seas: 3 to 5 feet - still rough
Water Temp: 79 - 80
Skies: Some breaking clouds with some sunshine peeking through
Air Temp: 80
C. Dive Information:
Depth & Time: Me: Genesis Nitrox Dive Computer - 64 ft for 39 min
Air consumption: Me: (100 cu ft of 35% NITROX) 3300 lbs to 1000 lbs
Current: Mild
Description: Well, part of the Koller's Reef trip is lunch. So, after a vote was taken to stay or go back, we stayed and had a delicous sub lunch. Several did not partake. Sir Rodney came around with some cake after and again, some still did not partake. After the quick lunch, we dove the Breakers. Again, a typical Breakers Reef dive. Some areas of relief, some areas of lot's of fish, some areas of lot's of colors.

Last Updated: 10-July-2002

The Irishman Software's, West Melbourne, Florida
Irishman@SpryNet.Com - http://www.IrishmanSoftware.com/