Dive Florida - West Palm Beach Narcosis Dive Charters

Jupiter Ledges and Shark Canyon

Dive Trip Report to: West Palm Beach, Dive Boat Narcosis Dive Charters
Purpose: La-La Dives - Ya jump in, go to the bottom, come back up a few feet, drift along and look at all the Pretty's going La-La-La!

Dive Reports 24-June-2006

Dive #1: . My Dive #?
A. Dive Boat / Location: Narcosis Dive Charters / Jupiter Ledges
B. Conditions:
Visibility: 40 ft
Seas: 1 to 2 ft
Water Temp: 78 deg
Skies: Cloudy day - no sunlight while diving!
Air Temp: high 80's
C. Dive Information:
Depth & Time: Me: Genesis Nitrox Dive Computer - 88 ft for 1hr 2 min, PO2 1.35 [ 37% NITROX ]. Kind of pushed the PO2 limit!
Air consumption: Me: (120 cu ft), 3700 lbs to 700 lbs - really used up the air on this dive
Current: Twas a goodly 1.5 knots to the north. Kept ya going, hard to hold on and stop.
Description: Nice drip - right on the top of the ledge. We drifed along and I was taking pictures all the time. With 37%, I stayed on top of the reef, didn't want to see 100 ft! Saw lots of colors, one turtle, one bug, lots of fish. Very nice dive.

Dive #2: . My Dive #?
A. Dive Boat / Location: Narcosis Dive Charters / Shark Canyon
B. Conditions:
Visibility: 40 ft
Seas: 1 to 2 ft
Water Temp: 78 deg
Skies: Still cloudy, no sun to light up the reef.
Air Temp: high 80's
C. Dive Information:
Depth & Time: Me: Genesis Nitrox Dive Computer - 80 ft for 44 min, PO2 0.99, 29% NITROX [ trying to empy out my 80 cu ft tanks for inspections ]
Air consumption: Me: (80 cu ft) 3300 lbs to 500 lbs
Current: Same - strong to the north
Description: Again a nice drop. We drifed along the reef on top, stopped at the theater for a while. No sharks. Saw more bugs, some cuda, and some BIG Jew Fish at the end.

The new camera worked our real well - be sure to look at the pics.

Last Updated: 28-June-2006

The Irishman Software's, West Melbourne, Florida

Irishman AT SpryNet DOT Com