Beach Dive Florida - Dive the 1711 Wrecks 30-July-99

Dive Trip Report to: Florida's Beaches!
Purpose: To Beach Dive for old wrecks, cannon, ships, bugs etc!

Dive Reports:

Dive #1: Saturday, 30-July, Morning Dive. My Dive #228
A. Dive Boat / Location: Beach Dive - Ambersand Park
B. Conditions:
Visibility: 15 - 20 feet
Seas: Flat
Water Temp: 77 on the bottom, 80's on the top
Skies: SCBS (Sunny Clear Blue Skies
Air Temp: 80 - 90's
C. Dive Information:
Depth & Time: Me: Genesis Nitrox Dive Computer - 15 feet for 55 min
Air consumption: Me: 3600 - 1950 lbs (120 cu ft)
Current: Mild to the north
Description: Well, this was one of the best beach dives yet. We entered the water at 8 am, headed east to a nice reef (about the 4th reef) then north. About 30 min into the dive we turned back south and when the first diver hit 1000 lbs of air, we headed back to shore. This reef had lots of big releaf. It was a very pretty beach dive reef. We saw lots of stuff - an 8 ft nurse shark, a 1 1/2 ft turtle, lot's of undersize BUGS. Beach access is easy - about a 100 ft walk to the water. There are no showers or anything else - just parking, so ya need to bring a bottle of water to wash off with. This is a must do again reef!

Dive #1: Saturday, 30-July, Morning Dive. My Dive #229
A. Dive Boat / Location: Beach Dive - Treasure Shores Park
B. Conditions:
Visibility: 5 - 10 feet
Seas: Flat
Water Temp: 77 on the bottom, 80's on the top
Skies: SCBS (Sunny Clear Blue Skies
Air Temp: 80 - 90's
C. Dive Information:
Depth & Time: Me: Genesis Nitrox Dive Computer - 21 ft for 59 min (wow we broke 15 ft!).
Air consumption: Me: 3600 - 1900 lbs (120 cu ft)
Current: Again, mild to the north
Description: Well, it was nice to get out of the car on cement, cement to the showeres and a wooden deck to the beach. This is a no dives beach, ya gotta walk 100' to the north to enter! The lifeguards are great, discuss with them what you want to do! Same game plan, head east to a good reef then south this time! Well the 3rd reef we picked was lousy! Almost flat. The little bit of ledges had mostly sea urchens - ouch! I spotted an ugly fish - about 1 1/2 ft long, under a ledge, real big mouth - kind of like to chomp on big clam shells with! We were quite a ways from shore, but half way through the dive, we decided to go out to the next reef. It wasn't far - just really on the east side of the 3rd reef. The depth went way down - 20 ft! The releif was from 20 ft up to about 10 ft. Lots of big bolder types of reef. Vis went way down to about 5 ft at times. Here we did see some fish and stuff. One dive spotted a 4 ft nurse shark hidden in the rocks, we all stopped to look at it - some were petting it - very dangerous to do!!! We spotted some butterfly fish, big angel's etc etc - oh yea, one bug!
This is a nice park to dive from - showers and pavement from the car to the showeres! But, the good part of the reef is way way out! Vis was poor! Not many bugs! The previous dive was much better!

Last Updated 30-July-99
Last Updated: 03-Aug-2002

The Irishman Software's, West Melbourne, Florida
