Dive Florida - Reefs, Fish, Blue/Green Water

Dive Trip Report to: , West Palm Beach, The Rampage
Purpose: To Dive the Reefs of Florida FOR LOBSTER!! PIC of the Dive Cllub Members on Rampage!

Dive Reports:

Dive #1: . My Dive #403
A. Dive Boat / Location: The Rampage / Bath & Tennis
B. Conditions:
Visibility: 40 ft.
Seas: 1 - 2 ft (we predicted 5-6 ft and the dive boat 3-4 ft)
Water Temp: 84 deg on the bottom - it's even tooooo warm for a shortie. Time for a Skin Only!!
Skies: Clouds, light rain, not much sun - it was great!!
Air Temp: high 80's
C. Dive Information:
Depth & Time: Me: Genesis Nitrox Dive Computer - 55 ft for 48 min
Air consumption: Me: (120 cu ft), 3500 lbs to 1500 lbs, 35% NTIROX, PO2 0.92
Current: Mild to the North
Description: Well, this dive was setup to be an introduction to getting Lobster - it's the 1st weekend of the Florida Lobster Season. The dive club members were invited to get some lessons on catching bugs (Florida Lobster)! Well, the conditions weren't the greatest - lots of wind for a few day's before and some wind preditcted for this weekend. This was a Sunday afternoon dive - there were dozen's of dives before us. BUT - it wasn't a 7:30 AM dive (where you had to get up at 4 am) and it was in the beginning of the bug season. So, we tried. We did Ok, we saw some bugs, gave some lessons - it was a worth while trip.
We were dropped in 50 ft of water at Bath & Tennis. This area is mostly grass, but there is a lot of hiding places for bugs and most of the dive boats don't come this far south. We drifted a a medium rate, and the dive master really kicked leading the group. We saw only a few bugs, they were females!! But, at least the group saw the bugs, saw how to catch them, what mistakes not to make etc. It was a learning experience.
Well, being on NITROX and using 120's, the dive master and I were the last ones down. The dive master called it quits at 40 mn, so we went up and did our 3 min safety stop. Back on the boat, Capt Bob did a great one. Capt Bob picked up some ring subs for the group. We all had a really great lunch. Thanks Capt Bob.
Group Picture to follow when they are developed!!

Dive #2: . My Dive #404
A. Dive Boat / Location: The Rampage / Paul's Reef (This was maybe my first time on this reef - it's really a very beautiful reef)!
B. Conditions:
Visibility: 40 ft.
Seas: 1 - 2 ft (we predicted 5-6 ft and the dive boat 3-4 ft)
Water Temp: 84 deg on the bottom - it's even tooooo warm for a shortie. Time for a Skin Only!!
Skies: Clouds, light rain, not much sun - it was great!!
Air Temp: high 80's
C. Dive Information:
Depth & Time: Me: Genesis Nitrox Dive Computer - 72 ft for 59 min (Yea for NITROX and 120's]
Air consumption: Me: (120 cu ft), 3500 lbs to 700 lbs, 35% NTIROX, PO2 1.07
Current: Mild to the North
Description: Well this was a very beautiful reef. It was probably my first time on this reef - I might have been on it many years ago, but it's very beautiful - lot's of colors, fish and relief.
Well down we went - to 70 ft! It was a deep drop. But we did come back up to the 50 - 60 ft range. Again, it was a fast kick, as lead by the dive master (a little faster then I'd like to have seen the dive for a training dive)!! But, the scenary was great, the colors really good, lot's of fish and relief. This is a very very beautiful reef. It compares very well to the Breakers. Again, several bugs were seen, several were attempted to catch, lot's was learned, females were released.

Last Updated: 10-July-2002

The Irishman Software's, West Melbourne, Florida
Irishman@SpryNet.Com - http://www.IrishmanSoftware.com/