Bacardi Limon Beach Dive Team

Beach Dive Florida Florida - Dive the 1711 Wrecks 28-May-2006

Including the Urca de Lima

Dive Trip Report to: Florida's Beaches!
Purpose: To Beach Dive Florida for old wrecks, cannon, ships, bugs etc!

Dive Reports:

Date / Dive #: Sunday, , Morning Dive. My Dive #
A. Dive Beach Location: Beach Dive - Pepper Park, Ft. Pierce
B. Conditions:
Visibility: 30 ft - really great for an early season beach dive
Seas: Flat to 6 inches on the exit.
Water Temp: ?
Skies: Typical Florida Sunny Clear Blue Skies!!
Air Temp: 80's
C. Dive Information:
Depth & Time: Me: Genesis Nitrox Dive Computer -
Air consumption: 3200 - ?
Current: Nil
Description: First successful beach dive of the year. One newbie - but had a great time. Got to try out my new Olympus Digital Underwater Camera - look at the cropped pic of the beach and life guard stand from the water. Still has some great resolution.
Dive was un-eventful. Saw lot's of rocks, only a few fish, no bugs. One Nurse shark under a ledge towards the end of the dive. I was using an Al 80 and did not have enough weight to stay down and with the tank almost empty, had problems getting the sharks pic. All-In-All was a Great Dive!

Last Updated: 13-June-2006

The Irishman Software's, West Melbourne, Florida

Irishman AT SpryNet DOT Com